Friday, May 15, 2009

just another experiment

i've tried to use the same elements in my book but....they dont look as good. I'm wondering if I can print this on the metallic reflective paper i used for this experiment


  1. How does it relate to the book?

    From the project brief:
    - Promotes book
    - Explains/expresses the message of the book
    - Educating/informative
    - Revealing
    - Proposition
    - Typographic and visual language should echo or at least feel related to the book

    You've come up with some very attractive and compelling graphics. But to abandon your original design language makes this poster just arbitrary graphics, more about you and what you like, rather than the design package you were assigned.

    Make it work. It's possible. Worst case scenario, you can use this graphic treatment for another project. But I don't think you have to. You might have to let go of some of the things you are seduced by in this design, but that's probably the only way you will make it work.

    How does the metallic paper work with the book design?

  2. i was going to use the metallic paper to print my cover. so i have to use my other design for both the poster and book cover until i find out if i can print on that metallic paper o.0
