Thursday, May 7, 2009

ow, my leg hurts

This where I had my surgery and what they used on me.

Yay hi-tech!

Maria Alvarez - Summary of Concept and Cover

For this project, My book "Print and Movable Type" is mainly focused on the history of movable type. I discussed several techniques of movable type such as metal type, wooden type and also woodblock printing all of which date back to some of the earliest Chinese Dynasties. My project 2 was based on Johannes Gutenberg who is the "Father of Type". I included the significance of his invention, which was the printing press because it was a huge impact on the history of type.

Maria Alvarez - Mood board

James Molgaard - Summory of Concept and Cover

My concept is derived from the topic I had for the concept map.  When doing the research on design and typography in The Netherlands I noticed that the currency there was really amazing.  I then found out that it was gone because the country turned to the Euro.  My book is going to be about the Dutch Guilder and how beautiful the designs are on the coins and bills, and how terrible the uniformity of the Euro is.

Jaezar Soriano - Project 3 - Poster Draft

Here's a version of the poster that I'm working on.

Jaezar Soriano - Project 3 - Cover and Summary of Concept

Summary of Concept

The book that I am doing is entitled “Type Technology: A History”. My original Project 2 topic was about Gutenberg, so I felt that making a book on the technology of type would be a good extension. The premise for the book is simple enough: I go through all the techniques contributing to the technology behind type, starting with handwriting and calligraphy, going into mechanical type, and ending with digital type. As far as the collateral for the book, I am planning to design them as promotional materials for the book.