Thursday, May 7, 2009

James Molgaard - Summory of Concept and Cover

My concept is derived from the topic I had for the concept map.  When doing the research on design and typography in The Netherlands I noticed that the currency there was really amazing.  I then found out that it was gone because the country turned to the Euro.  My book is going to be about the Dutch Guilder and how beautiful the designs are on the coins and bills, and how terrible the uniformity of the Euro is.

1 comment:

  1. Please do not show the cover as you would if you had the book laying face open on the table breaking its spine. Ack. Ouch. And it does not give us any way to really judge what it will look like when on the book.

    Other than that silliness, I like it. But the live-traced lion looks live-traced ;) Boo live-trace. Try something else, that doesn't scream "Adobe Illustrator!"
