Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Project 3 Grid, Page Structure Samples, Color Compositions, and Typeface

Here is my grid, page structures, and color compositions. For my typeface, I used Helvetica Neue.

Project 3: Style Guide

Alright, so here are some of my thumbnails and grid system that I'm developed. I choose to stay with my previous topic - Experimental Typography, because I can easily find good images, or just doing my own. Right now, I'm still debating on what font should I use, but most likely I'll choose some neutral font(s), so that it won't be too distracting or taking away attention from images. And in term of the color usage, I think I will use the RGB or CYMK since it's more saturated, I think it will be good for print....okie dokie, I think I've to go back to work more...(^_^) ~ zhen

typography experiment--iwuen

i'll try to work on the white bar and upload it later. Thanks for the feedback in class! =)