Friday, May 15, 2009

its just an experiment (poster)

went away from my computer and did some experiment. its an experiment, dont ask me why.


  1. Yay non-computer experimentation! You win the prize.

    Very beautiful and engaging. Can you incorporate the graphic style and elements used in your book? That's the challenge, yes?

    Please explain how you did this. I imagine we are all dying to know. At least I am. Think about other ways you can use this technique. Experiment and see if there are other graphic outcomes possible. Keep playing!

  2. I'll tell you after i get the prize. hah!

    I rolled a sheet of glossy paper i got from Pearl, printed the words on white paper, place under the roll, and take shots from the otherĂ¥ end of the roll, something like a kaleidoscope. I'm thinking about printing the poster on that glossy paper. Not sure if it'll work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. forgot to mention. The first two are actually photoshopped =P
