Saturday, May 16, 2009

Final Poster ~ Zhen

here are my final poster with variation of colors. i will continue to play with the size and composition before printing it....but that's it for today. it's almost 9 hrs of works right now....can you believe that....(@_@)....feeling dizzy right now, but it's tight.

1 comment:

  1. The variations in color throughout the letter give it an uneven surface texture. This in combination with the very complex and detailed pos. and neg. space created by the animal profiles really makes the letter's surface look busy, misshapen. We lose the strength of the form of the letter and makes it look sloppy.

    "Experimental Typography is Tight". That's crazy talk. That is what one calls "beating over the head". Might as well say that in Times New Roman. Or Uppercase, loosely tracked Edwardian Script. That might be funny. Maybe just 'Tight' and a small caption or the like that says something about experimental typography?

    The word "Tight" looks great. But the largest animals, the large fish/whales and the elephant on the 'T' are too large and too strong. They draw the eye away from the whole.
    The outline version is interesting.
