Sunday, May 17, 2009

Final Poster v2.1-Vincent

I tried to bring it closer to my original ideations by getting rid of the yellow background. I also brought back the quote. (By the way, the previous quote was a joke, although this one is pretty close to it. I think it makes the poster look cluttered, but if I make the text smaller it gets lost amongst the other text.


  1. I like the second one because it all lines up. Good job!

  2. not bad!

    but the 2nd one seems too much text to read. also, it feels unbalance on the left side since it's more empty than the right side. it looks like everything will fall on the left.

    also the bottom part, where the "date" and "80th anniversary", the space btw the sentence is not obvious. the 3rd one (bottom part) look better

    that's my 2 cents (^_^)

  3. I agree with Zhen about the 3rd one re. bottom text. I vote for #1, actually. I like the photo, but agree it will be too much with the quote. But I would do a quick one with both quote and photo smaller, to see if it might work. Quote and credit could go down 2 pts.
