Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kimberly-Poster Comps

I think I'm leaning toward the first one; in the other two, the images would not repeat as they are shown here.


  1. it seems like there is a strong grid here so why not align the black area with the title to the gutter?? (im talking about the last poster...which is the one i am most attracted to)

  2. I'm all for the third as well, but I think extending that black area beyond the gutter is a good think. Break the grid!

    But I'm not sure about the overlap of the black over the rows. That seems invasive. Maybe not. Might just be a personal thing for me.

    I would challenge you tom make a more complex, or less predictable grid. Your book has a more horizontal grid structure which creates horizontal flow, uneven margins (if I remember correctly). This one is kind of vanilla. Some more negative space? Uneven margins? Flow? More unique frame dimensions? Push it!

    A lot of the photos feel busy and not definitive. Too much other info and clutter. You really need to zoom/crop more to allow us to focus on the type and elements in the photos. With more zoom and cropping, I also think that we would see more geometry and patterns. These look like city-scapes and not photos of urban typography.

  3. Also, how about a little more info, as in text, to accompany the poster. The images should say a lot, but is there anything else yo could say? Even a short quote, or secondary title? A passage from the book?
