Thursday, May 7, 2009

Maria Alvarez - Summary of Concept and Cover

For this project, My book "Print and Movable Type" is mainly focused on the history of movable type. I discussed several techniques of movable type such as metal type, wooden type and also woodblock printing all of which date back to some of the earliest Chinese Dynasties. My project 2 was based on Johannes Gutenberg who is the "Father of Type". I included the significance of his invention, which was the printing press because it was a huge impact on the history of type.

1 comment:

  1. Good cover.

    Is the photo ued hi-res enough? Hard to tell here, as I assume it's been compressed for the post. But it looks like there is enough of and the type of bitmapping that suggests that the original is also bitmapped. It is a very compelling photo, but will be completely undermined if it is lo-res.

    Anything for the spine of the cover?
