Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jaezar Soriano - Project 3 - Cover and Summary of Concept

Summary of Concept

The book that I am doing is entitled “Type Technology: A History”. My original Project 2 topic was about Gutenberg, so I felt that making a book on the technology of type would be a good extension. The premise for the book is simple enough: I go through all the techniques contributing to the technology behind type, starting with handwriting and calligraphy, going into mechanical type, and ending with digital type. As far as the collateral for the book, I am planning to design them as promotional materials for the book.

1 comment:

  1. Do you need all that descriptive text on the cover? I would think not - it's not typical and I don't think it really does anything that opening the book wouldn't.

    Or... are we looking at the cover spread open and the descriptive text is on the back cover? In that case - perfect! But then, don't present the cover this way as it is very confusing ;)
