Tuesday, May 5, 2009

webpage ~ zhen

alright, so here is my first two comps for my webpage. i am still work on it, but I am pretty satisfy with my layout. however, need to get into details and polish my types.

does anyone know how to insert space for HTML in Dreamweaver? because I am trying to do that to fix the quote from Peter Bil'ak...josh or anyone? (^_^) thx u!

URL: http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~zhenxtan/425webpage/425webpage

version1: this is my original concept of using simple and straightforward method to describe complex and creative idea (experimental typography). The concept is very similar to today's blog template, but it's html...and I think it looks fine to deliver all the necessary message within a page.

version 2: I decide to change my color to full saturated magenta, because since the topic is "experimental typography", I should do something unusual and extraordinary...therefore, i try something that I normally won't do or nearly my style.......as a result, it came out quit nice, to me perhaps....lol...haha...so i guess i will keep experiment it....(^_^)

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. Good job. The only thing I would ask. is does it fit the graphic language of your book? I had a quick look at the PDF of your book and it seems like the graphic style matches, except for in two major details:

    1) the web header doesn't match the chapter head spreads in the book and

    2) the magenta in the web page is very strong and doesn't match the subdued/pastel orange tone of the book.

    The web header doesn't have to be live type, it could be a graphic and that way could match the book.

    The color could be magenta but toned down to match the book better.
