Friday, May 8, 2009

Gutenberg Poster Ideations - Karen Chan

For my posters, I chose to focus on metal type. The location of these would probably be in the library or the bookstore on campus.

1 comment:

  1. The first poster:

    The type is very default and unconsidered. I would explore suing more columns, rather than simply two 2-column sections stacked on top of each other filling the whole page. There's a lot of real estate on this page that you are wasting by dividing up the space so generically. Try and create a more complex and slightly more asymmetrically balanced structure for the organization of the text and images.

    The old wood-block print images are transparent over the background image which only diminishes the quality of both.

    The type is far too illegible over the image.

    I like the big background image of the portrait (BTW, is it hi-res enough?). Maybe the background image doesn't have to be perfectly centered? Shift him to the right and you'll have some less busy/more open space to place your text over.

    Second poster:

    Looks like everything was nice and organized on the page and then someone just grabbed it and gave it one strong jolt. You need a better balance of structure and movement. But besides, I don't know what the jumbled style has to do with moveable type. Moveable type means moving it within a very structured and prescribed matrix - not dynamically moving around the page.

    Third poster:

    Is the image on the right hi-res enough?

    Rather than the initials simply breaking into a single column of type - which makes it impossible to read in the lower areas where the J and G create a break into 3 columns, create a more complex structure for the placement of the type (cols and rows). I think there are some possibilities for this use of the photo and the large initials to be combined with the first poster.
