Saturday, May 9, 2009

Book cover & Poster Ideation


book cover


1 comment:

  1. Nice work for all.

    Remember that you are creating a web page, and NOT a site. The comps you show here look like there is a lot if interactivity and different sections. You need to show us the content without clicking through sections. You could simply have content reveal on a hover state? Or as a link to an anchor on the page - i.e. below the fold?

    Both the book covers look god. The use of the diagonal crop is very effecitve, but I'm not sure I understand why you have cropped and repeated the way you have in the first cover version. The second is very compelling in it's use of the crop, the patterning of the different types of crop and the creation of the negative white space on the page. I would really push this one and explore the possibilities of different sizes/bites of the crops and the white spaces they create and how the create a graphic quality and pattern of the whole page.
